Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tips and Techniques Wednesday - Another Zipper Flower

hello ladies!

I  am back today to share another zipper flower technique.  This one is as quick and easy as the tutorial I shared a couple of weeks ago.  In case you missed it you can find it here  The main difference is this flower is rolled, does not have actual petals and sits  a little more flush with your project.

Let's get started......

Gather your supplies, you will need a zipper, a circle of cardstock the approximate size you would like your finished flower to be, some liquid glue or glue dots, a need and thread.

For the first step we will modify the zipper.

Trim off the end of the zipper that has the 'stop' on it.

You can discard the off cut and the actual pull tab.

Next you will run a basting stitch along the zipper, the opposite side of the teeth and about 1/8th of an inch in from the edge. 

Make sure your needle and thread are quite a bit longer than the actual zipper.

Now gently pull the thread so that the zipper starts to curl.

Now manualy fiddle with the zipper so that i lays in a circular shape, stating with the inside from and working towards the back.

Secure the inner swirl with a stitched tack.

Add a couple more stitches to hold the whole flower together.  You really only need to put one stitch in a few places to hold it together.

It will pretty much sit as it should after this step.

Now glue it onto you cardstock circle..

Add something decorative to the centre a button or bling, or an Epiphany piece like I have.

This is the card that I made using my zipper flower.
Thank you for visiting us!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! This flower is awesome and I must try it. Thanks for the easy to follow instructions!
