Friday, November 27, 2015

Sketch-y Friday with Team A | November 27 2015 (challenge for December)

Happy Friday!

This is our first challenge for the month of December, we are starting a bit early due to the number of Fridays between now and the end of December, and the upcoming holidays.  You do still have a couple of days to play along with our November challenges, too!

And here is your Team A DT inspiration!



Here is a run down of our Sketch-y Friday rules.  Just link up your creations in our sidebar to be entered into a random draw for our monthly prize.    You have until December  29th, at midnight to participate in any of this month's sketch challenges, each linkup tool will remain open until that date!  You may take some artistic license with your adaptation of the sketches, however if you choose to use a double page sketch for a single page layout you may only enter once per sketch, not once per side.

If you are playing along with more than one challenge you will need to link each of them up via a separate blog post for the link up tool to work. (International participants may be required to pay some shipping fees.)  Good luck, we cannot wait to see what you create!

*note - If you are playing along using Flickr the team will no longer be leaving comments, due to changes in Flickr policies and passwords.  However, we will be checking out your entries for sure and you are definitely eligible for the prize draw. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. 

Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Inspiration on Thursday

Hi friends!!

For today's weekly dose of inspiration we are sharing gorgeous projects created by our Fall retreaters!!

From Retreat 1:

Anne Williston

Carolyn Wolfe

Emily Dawdy






Shelby D


From Retreat 2:
Bonnie Nicholas

Krista Van Tol

Laura Shaver

Nancy Haufek

Sara Ross

Sandy Ross

Thank you so much ladies, we had so much fun spending time with you all! We enjoyed so much great food, fun games, sharing inspiration and we raised some money for a couple for great causes!

We can't wait to do it all over again in the Spring!

Thank you for visiting!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Button Bracelets | Tutorial

Hi there!

I am sharing a simple button bracelet tutorial today.  I know that you likely have a great button stash, and this is a fun way to use some of them up.

You will need buttons and twine.

It is a great activity to do with kids, and they can even quickly make a few for friends for the holidays.

Feed the twine down through the button holes leaving a loop to push the tails though.

My son's school has been focusing a lot on friendships and kindness lately and I think this is important world wide.

Knot the ends.

This would also make a great activity to do with the kids while they are off on winter break.  Especially if the weather is not conducive to going out to play.

fasten around the wrist with a simple knot. Not too tight.

You could even add a couple of beads on either side if youlike.  Festive colours would be great, too!

Thanks for visiting, enjoy!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Kit Club Tuesday

Hi friends!

We are sharing a couple of last project from Elaine today, using the November Premium Kit Club contents!

First up is this super fun layout...

... we are so loving this colour combo and the turned down corner on that patterned paper is so pretty.

Elaine also made a couple of cards...

I am always surprised that she says she is not a cardmaker when she produces such beauties!

So glad that you visited today!

Monday, November 23, 2015

New Kits in Store!

Hi there!

New Kits! 

Although we have been super busy at our recent Fall retreats, we are continuing to regularly add new kits for sale on our website and blog   -- don't forget to check them out!

Here are just a few samples

As always, quantities are limited, so get your before they are gone!

Thanks for visiting!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Sketch-y Friday with Team B | November 20 2015

Hi there!

Happy Friday Scrappers!  We have a brand new sketch to share with you today and Team B has come incredible samples to jump start your creativity!

Here is your sketch....

It suggests two 3" x  6" photos, but as always, feel free to make it your own!

And here is your Team B inspiration!


Here is a run down of our Sketch-y Friday rules.  Just link up your creations in our sidebar to be entered into a random draw for our monthly prize.    You have until November 29th, at midnight to participate in any of this month's sketch challenges, each linkup tool will remain open until that date!  You may take some artistic license with your adaptation of the sketches, however if you choose to use a double page sketch for a single page layout you may only enter once per sketch, not once per side.

If you are playing along with more than one challenge you will need to link each of them up via a separate blog post for the link up tool to work. (International participants may be required to pay some shipping fees.)  Good luck, we cannot wait to see what you create!

 *note - If you are playing along using Flickr the team will no longer be leaving comments, due to changes in Flickr policies and passwords.  However, we will be checking out your entries for sure and you are definitely eligible for the prize draw. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Thanks for visiting!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Inspiration on Thursday | ScrapPInk

Hi there!

We are sharing some more of the gorgeous creations made by our ScrapPink scrappers today!


Ashley T





Jessica B


Jessica B


Marlene C

Mary P









As we mentioned previously, this was a successful event and one that we feel privileged to be able to put on, we couldn't do it without the help of many of out community members and our customers. 

Thank you for sharing your creations with us ladies, they are sure to inspire! And thank you once again for spending this day with us!