Hi there!
Happy Wednesday to y'all, I have a little mini album tutorial for you. This would be a great little gift for someone you love for no particular reason (the best kind of gifts to give and get) or it would make a nice little brag book for your purse.
It doesn't take much product to pull this together, just a great sheet of patterned paper (like this one from Fancy Pants) and a few embellies and ribbon. I went with about a half sheet of 2 patterns, but you really only need one full sheet.
Start by cutting down your patterned paper to 5.5 x 12 .
You can see both sides of the pattern in these two photos. I am going to use the plain side for the outside and the pattern for the inside, since we will be covering the outside anyway.
With whatever scoring tool you have, score at 3 inch intervals across the paper so that you have 4 sections. Then score 1.5 inches up from the bottom of your paper.
Snip the score lines from the bottom until you reach the score line going across the length of your paper, do not cross this line.
Now you will fold up the little flaps that you created, we will be turning these into pockets.
I hope you can see it in this photo, add some adhesive (the tape style works best for this application) to either side of each flap, staying close to the edges to make your pockets as wide as possible.
This photo just shows you that you should still be able to insert things into the pockets.
At this point you will have something that looks like this little accordion folded doodad.
Apply some adhesive to the back of your pocket page and set it aside for a minute.
Now cut a piece of paper that measure 4 x 12 and score it at 3 inch intervals.
At this point I got a little ahead of myself, but the next step is to create book fold. So add adhesive to the middle two sections, so that you can adhere them together like the photos below.
Now join the middle sections together to create your book.
Run some adhesive across the middle of the outside of your mini book and adhere some ribbon along it. This will act as a way to hold the booklet closed.
Now the fun part, embellishing the front and inside, then filling those pockets.
I added some tags (to add some notes) and a few embellies here and there.
A little envie for some mementos.
Now all I have to do is tuck in some photos and give it away!
Thanks for visiting!