Saturday, June 29, 2013

Crop Announcement and New Product

Hello there!

We have a couple of things to share today.  First up, we would like to invite you to our next crop(s), here is all of the information.....


 Friday night pizza crop!

When: Friday July 5th, 5 p.m. - 11 p.m.
Where: Salvation Army Church, 33 Diana Ave, Brantford

Cost of the crop is only $25 + hst and includes pizza, cold beverages and a gift for each attendee. Spaces must be pre-paid. Bring your supplies and get ready for a great night of scrapbooking!!

And that's not all, we are also offering an all day crop...
  Saturday, July 6th Day Crop

When:  Saturday July 6th, 2013, 9:00am-5:00pm 
 Where:  Salvation Army Church - 33 Diana Ave, Brantford
Cost of the crop is only $25 + hst and includes lunch, cold beverages and a gift for each attendee. Spaces must be pre-paid. Bring your supplies and get ready for a great day of scrapbooking!!

Our store will be set up on-site for your shopping convenience.
Don't' delay!! Reserve your spot here or contact us at


We are offering a class at both events, keep reading for the details.....

 July 5th - Silhouette Cameo Crop Class

Saturday, July 5th at 7pm, only $10.00  Have you recently purchased a Silhouette, or are you thinking of adding one to your stash of Scrapbooking tools?   Would you like to learn  a few tips to customize standard cut files or create a few of your own?  Well this beginners class is for you!  You do not need to own a Silhouette, but you do need to bring your laptop with the Silhouette software already installed on it.  The software is free for everyone to download here  for PC or Mac,  whether you are a Silhouette owner or not.  So go ahead and download the software, register for the class and get ready to have some fun!  All class participants will need to download a maximum of 3 specific cut files from the Silhouette Store (the details will be emailed to you after you register) to 'play' with during the class.  Cut files are $0.99 each at regular price, some cut files are single cuts and others have multiple cuts.  If you do not have a laptop, we can attempt to pair you with someone else.  You do not need to attend the crop to take this class, please per-register as spaces will be limited.

Contact us at to reserve your spot now!!

 July 6th - Layout and Card Crop Class


We are also offering this beautiful layout and card class on Saturday July 6th @ 2 p.m. Only $15.75. Basic tool kit required. You do not have to attend the crop to take the class. Kits available. Limited space available.

Contact us at to reserve your spot now!!


Secondly, don't forget you have until July 3rd  to link up with any of our sketches, and if you play along with at least two of them you qualify to be entered into a draw for our monthly giveaway! Also, there is one more day to get in on our Colour Challenge draw.


Thirdly, we have some new product in the store!  These two lines from Fancy Pants are waiting for you....

Both collections have gorgeous colours, great designs and super fun elements!  Have I told you lately how much I am loving all thinks Fancy Pants!

So what are you waiting for?  Go create, register, have fun.... see you soon!

Thanks for visiting!
Your friends at ScrapMuch?!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Inspiration on Thursday

Hi there!

Here is your weekly dose of inspiration, I know you look forward to this as much as I like to share it with you.

 Elaine created 2 gorgeous layouts, her knack for combining pattern papers is truly inspiring!

We would really love to see what you are creating, too. Leave us a comment with your blog address (or other link) ... we will be sure to stop by and leave you some love.  Also, don't forget you can email me here with anything you wish to share, We would love to share them with our visitors on our Thursday Inspiration blog posts.

Thanks for visiting!
Your friends at ScrapMuch?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Texture Paste Tutorial

Hi there,

I wanted to share a technique with you that I have recently been introduced to myself.  Actually, I have been aware of this technique / product for quite sometime, but have refrained from attempting it as I thought it seemed a little daunting.

Boy was I wrong, it is so fun and so simple and produces a really wonderful look.

My apologies for having the back of the product to you, but this is Martha Stewart Texture Paste and it is available at ScrapMuch?.  It is basically a water based paint with a texture medium in it. To get started you will need the paste, a mask in any style, and something to spread the paste.  I like a disposable knife for easy clean up, though palette knives work best.
Set the mask onto your page (scrapbook background or card background), make sure it is straight if that is the look you are wanting to achieve.  Spread a thing layer of paste onto the paper through the mask.  Note - you will want to go wit the flow of the mask.  In this case you would spread from side to side opposed to top to bottom.  this thin mask is more likely to buckle if you spread top to bottom, causing the paste to go underneath he mask and ruin your texture.

It is unlikely you will do the whole page, rather you will want to do a couple or few strategic spots. It is a good idea to have a rough idea of where your papers and larger elements will sit.  But you could always wing it, that is fun too!
You'll notice I have chosen to add texture to two spots on my card.

Gently lift your mask , for this mask pulling from one side to the other works best.

The mask cleans up really nicely with soap and water.  You canleave the past to dry on it's own, or help it along with a heat gun.  This speeds up the process from 24 ours to  only a few moements.

This is my finished card.  You can add colour to your textured area with distress inks and a sponge applicator, dipping  a cotton swab into your mists and rubbing it over a specified area to highlight it.  I also like to use a baby wipe to rub on some ink.  Misting it would also look great.

Here is a close up of my textured area.
There that wasn't hard at all was it?  I had myself all worked up over nothing!  I have also used this technique on a couple of layouts and just loved it!  You can expect to see more of this from me. 

Thank you for visiting!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kit Club Tuesday

Hi there!

I am back with a little more inspiration for our kit clubbers, though of course inspiration is inspiration and not just for one group!

Both the card and layout were created by the talented Eileen!

Don't forget you have until the 30th to link up with our KIT CLUB challenge or sketch, you can find the information by clicking on the tabs in the left hand side bar.

Good luck and thanks for visiting!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Scrapbook and Cards Today


Guess what?  Look what we have in the store!  We know you love this magazine and it's free with your minimum purchase.

Have a great day!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Sketch-y Friday,

Hi there!

Welcome back to another Sketch-y Friday!  Here is this week's sketch.....

Now for Anita's amazing take on the sketch .....

I love that Anita changed the circle element to a square, remember the sketch is merely a suggestion - have fun with it!

Now it's your turn!  Play along and share it with us!

Here is a run down of the rules.  We are offering a little prize to one lucky scrapper that participates in at least 2 of this month's 4 sketches.  Just link up your creations at the bottom of each Sketch-y Friday post, all qualifying scrappers will be entered into a random draw for a prize.  Only one entry per sketch please.  You have until Wednesday July 3rd at midnight to participate in any of June's sketch challenges, each linky tool will remain open until that date!  But remember, you must play along with 2 different sketches for a chance to win!  (International participants may be required to pay some shipping fees. )

Also, we are launching something new!  Would you like to be one of our guest sketch layout designers?  Each month we are going to offer one lucky participant the opportunity to create the reveal sample for one of our sketches!  So if you are interested in being considered, play along with at least two sketches and while you are linking up your creations add "GDT" after your name.  The only stipulation is that you must have a blog.

Now get creating!   And thanks for visiting!
Your friends at ScrapMuch?

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Inspiration on Thursday

Hi there!

Here is your weekly dose of inspiration, I know you look forward to this as much as I like to share it with you.

Both layouts come to us today from Elaine, we are loving how she pairs her vintage-y photos with just the right papers!

We would really love to see what you are creating, too. Leave us a comment with your blog address (or other link) ... we will be sure to stop by and leave you some love.  Also, don't forget you can email me here with anything you wish to share, We would love to share them with our visitors on our Thursday Inspiration blog posts.

Thanks for visiting!
Your friends at ScrapMuch?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Altered Pen and Note Pad Tutorial

Hi there,

I have a simple but pretty little tutorial for you today that will turn some everyday items into a sweet little gift set.

Let's do the pen first; start with a pen with a clear barrel, a scrap of paper the length of your barrel and only and inch and a half or so long, and a skewer.
 Roll the paper around the skewer (or other narrow object).
 It should look like this.
 Take the pen apart and insert the roll of paper into the barrel.
 Put the pen back together.
 I didn't really do step by step photos for the note pad.  But it is also really simple.  I started with a 2.5 inch long piece of patterned paper that was as wide as my note pad.  Then I punch a decorative edge along one length.  Adhere this to the back of the pad only, wrapping it up and over the front, and then embellish as desired.
 In case you missed it on Satuday, my little altered items went into this little holder.

Thanks for visiting!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Crop Update for Saturday June 22nd

Hello there!

Just popping in quick to give you an update regarding the crop this coming Saturday......

Please note our crop location had to change to the Quality Inn & Suites Brantford at 664 Colborne St East, Brantford, Ontario n3s3p8 in the St George room, near the front entrance. Our apologies for any inconvenience, our usual location was needed for a funeral. 

 If you have not secured your crop space with a payment, you may want to do so as soon as possible, we have limited seating this weekend. Thank you.

Have a great day!
Your friends at ScrapMuch?!

June Kit Club Sketch Challenge

Hi there!

Welcome to another edition of Kit Club Tuesday.   This week we are launching our sketch challenge, here is the sketch.......

and here is Eileen's sample....

 ... it wouldn't be an Eileen original if she didn't put her own spin on it and I love checking out her reveal each month!

Now here are the deets....  Each of our monthly Kit Club challenges and sketches will stay live for the remainder of the month, you can play along and link up as many times as you would like during the month.  You layout must consist of 80 percent kit product with the remaining 20% being any product you wish.   That way if you have a 'go to' product or technique you like to add to your creations you can feel free to do so.

You have until June 30th at Midnight to play along with thischallenge.  Of course, anyone can feel free to play along, and link up with us.... but you must be a Kit Club member and adhere to the rules above to qualify to be entered into the random draw for a prize.  

Thanks for visiting, we cannot wait to see what you are creating! 
Your friends at ScrapMuch?

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

June 22 Crop

Hi there!

Did you hear we are cropping this coming weekend?  Here are the details....

When:  Saturday June 22nd, 2013, 9:00am-5:00pm 
Where:  Salvation Army Church -   33 Diana Ave, Brantford

Cost of the crop is ONLY $25 + hst and includes lunch, cold beverage and a gift for all attendees! Bring your supplies and get ready for an enjoyable day of scrapbooking!
Our store will be set up on site for your shopping enjoyment.

Don't' delay!! Reserve your spot here or contact us at

We are also offering this class during the crop....

 ~ Celebrate Good Times ~

When:Saturday June 22th, 2013, 2:00pm
  Cost of the class is ONLY $10 + hst.  Basic tool kit required. Limited space available.  Please contact us to reserve your spot.

Thanks for visiting.
Your friends at ScrapMuch?

Friday, June 14, 2013

Sketch-y Friday with our Guest Designer

Hi there!

Welcome back to another Sketch-y Friday!  We have something fun in store for you today! Do you remember way back on this post, we announced our very first Sketch-y Friday Guest Designer?  Well today is the day for our first big reveal and I am super excited!

First off, let's check out this week's sketch.....

Now I would like to introduce you to our very first Guest Designer, meet Corrina....

 I will let Corrina tell you a little bit about herself......

Hello. My name is Corrina and I was thrilled to be selected as a Guest Designer at ScrapMuch? I love playing along weekly with their sketches. I have been scrapbooking for about 10 years now and love working with sketches. They make getting a page or two done so much easier. For this weeks sketch I used the Simple Stories line Vintage Bliss. The flowers were Prima and Recollection.

You can find Corrina's blog here.   Now let's have a look at Corrina's gorgeous inspiration layout....

What a great job modifying the layout to accommodate only one photo, not to mention a beautiful assortment of products that really highlight the picture!  Thank you again Corrina!

Now it's your turn!  Play along and share it with us!

Here is a run down of the rules.  We are offering a little prize to one lucky scrapper that participates in at least 2 of this month's 4 sketches.  Just link up your creations at the bottom of each Sketch-y Friday post, all qualifying scrappers will be entered into a random draw for a prize.  Only one entry per sketch please.  You have until Wednesday July 3rd at midnight to participate in any of June's sketch challenges, each linky tool will remain open until that date!  But remember, you must play along with 2 different sketches for a chance to win!  (International participants may be required to pay some shipping fees. )

Also, we are launching something new!  Would you like to be one of our guest sketch layout designers?  Each month we are going to offer one lucky participant the opportunity to create the reveal sample for one of our sketches!  So if you are interested in being considered, play along with at least two sketches and while you are linking up your creations add "GDT" after your name.  The only stipulation is that you must have a blog.

Now get creating!   And thanks for visiting!
Your friends at ScrapMuch?

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Inspiration on Thursday,

Hi there!

Here is your weekly dose of inspiration, I know you look forward to this as much as I like to share it with you.

Today's inspiration comes from Laureen.  Laureen is a regular Sketch-y Friday participant, sharing gorgeous layouts with us.  Recently she played along with one of the May's sketched, but didn't have it ready in time to enter into the challenge.   Which works out well for me as I knew I could share it here because the layout is sure to inspire!

If you would like to see more of Laureen's creations you can check out her blog here.

Thank you Laureen, we are so glad you shared this with us!

We would really love to see what you are creating, too. Leave us a comment with your blog address (or other link) ... we will be sure to stop by and leave you some love.  Also, don't forget you can email me here with anything you wish to share, We would love to share them with our visitors on our Thursday Inspiration blog posts.

Thanks for visiting!
Your friends at ScrapMuch?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Shadow Box Layout Tutorial

Hello all!

We have something special to share with you today!  One of our Kit Club members, Kerry, created a Shadow Box Tutorial and shared it with us so we could see what she was creating with her kit.  Well as soon as I saw it I knew that you all would want to see it, too.  Kerry graciously allowed us to post it here, and I didn't even have to beg!

I will let Kerry introduce herself to you all.....

"Hello everyone, my name is Kerry McKenzie! I'm a local paper crafter that
 lives in Brampton, ON and I love non-traditional paper crafting! I've been
 scrapbooking since junior high (over 10 years ago), but once I discovered
 the world of altered art, I knew paper wasn't enough for me!
 Every month I participate in a YouTube layout hop, and this month was it's
 2nd year anniversary. As that was the case, our theme for this month was
 "Anything Goes".
 I decided to use the ScrapMuch? June kit club kit
 (of which I am a subscriber) and use it for this layout hop!

 I invite you to visit my blog at to
 check out the written walk through of the process shown in the video if
 you'd like additional details on how I created this shadow box and layout!  :)

I really appreciate you taking the time to view my video and drop by my
 blog! I hope you're inspired to do something outside of your proverbial
 "box" with the ideas you get from my video!

 Many thanks!!!
 Krafty Kerry signing off!"

Now watch her video, you will love it!

Here is a still shot of Kerry's shadow box.....

Thank you, thank  you Kerry for sharing your video, creation and your time with us., we truly appreciate it!

If anyone else would like to volunteer to be a guest tipster we would love to have you join us, this has bee super fun!

Thanks for visiting!
Your friends at ScrapMuch?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Kit Club Tuesday - Challenge Time

Hi there!

Welcome to another edition of Kit Club Tuesday.   I know you are all anxious to get the party started, so here goes.  This month's challenge is 'Sticker Mania'!  Show us fun a creative ways to use those great sticker sheets in this month's kit, here is Eileen's sample....

Now here are the deets....  Each of our monthly Kit Club challenges sketches will stay live for the remainder of the month, you can play along and link up as many times as you would like during the month.  You layout must consist of 80 percent kit product with the remaining 20% being any product you wish.   That way if you have a 'go to' product or technique you like to add to your creations you can feel free to do so.

You have until June 30th at Midnight to play along with this sketch.  Of course, anyone can feel free to use the sketch, and link up with us.... but you must be a Kit Club member and adhere to the rules above to qualify to be entered into the random draw for a prize.  

Thanks for visiting, we cannot wait to see what you are creating! 
Your friends at ScrapMuch?

June Kit Club Challenge

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Save the Dates

Hello all!

It's kind of a yucky day in our neck of the woods, a great day to stay inside and create, if you can.

We  had such a fun and relaxing crop this past Saturday!  A big shout out to all the ladies that attended,  thank you for joining us and making the day what it was!

We are having another crop this month, here are the details.....

When:  Saturday June 22nd, 2013, 9:00am-5:00pm 
Where:  Salvation Army Church -   33 Diana Ave, Brantford

Cost of the crop is ONLY $25 + hst and includes lunch, cold beverage and a gift for all attendees! Bring your supplies and get ready for an enjoyable day of scrapbooking!
Our store will be set up on site for your shopping enjoyment.

Don't' delay!! Reserve your spot here or contact us at
Also, we want to let you know that we have firmed up a date for our annual 
ScrapPink event!  
Please mark Saturday, September 21st on your calendars, we hope you will join us for our annual crop for the cure to raise funds and awareness for a cure for breast cancer. 
You can always check here, for all current information about upcoming crops.
Also, watch here  for details on kits for sale.  Did you know that if you are a Kit Club member you can add any of these kits to your monthly club order for no additional delivery costs?  Isn't that a wonderful thing!
Thanks for visiting!
Your friends at ScrapMuch? 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Sketch-y Friday

Hello there,

Hip hip hooray it's Friday!  And we are cropping tomorrow! Yeah!  So the timing is great to launch our 2nd sketch for June.

You know we always love to give you an inspiration piece, well Eileen never ceases to provide just that.....

Now it's your turn!  Play along and share it with us!

Here is a run down of the rules.  We are offering a little prize to one lucky scrapper that participates in at least 2 of this month's 4 sketches.  Just link up your creations at the bottom of each Sketch-y Friday post, all qualifying scrappers will be entered into a random draw for a prize.  Only one entry per sketch please.  You have until Wednesday July 3rd at midnight to participate in any of June's sketch challenges, each linkup tool will remain open until that date!  But remember, you must play along with 2 different sketches for a chance to win!  (International participants may be required to pay some shipping fees. )

Also, we are launching something new!  Would you like to be one of our sketch layout designers?  Each month we are going to offer one lucky participant the opportunity to create the reveal sample for one of our sketches!  So if you are interested in being considered, play along with at least two sketches and while you are linking up your creations add "GDT" after your name.  The only stipulation is that you must have a blog.

Now get creating!   And thanks for visiting!

Thanks for visiting!
(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Inspiration on Thursday

Hi there!

Here is your weekly dose of inspiration, I know you look forward to this as much as I like to share it with you.

First up this fun layout created by Laura Shaver, which features our tip from last week!

And from Sandy Ross, this fabulous layout featuring some of May's Kit Club products.
Thank you for sharing ladies, we so love it when you do!

We would really love to see what you are creating, too. Leave us a comment with your blog address (or other link) ... we will be sure to stop by and leave you some love.  Also, don't forget you can email me here with anything you wish to share. We would love to share them with our visitors on our Thursday Inspiration blog posts.

Thanks for visiting!
Your friends at ScrapMuch?

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Scrappy Storage Tips

Hello there!

Welcome back to another Wednesday Tip or Technique day!

You may not know that I recently gave up my scrappy room so that my middle son could have his own room.  I carved out a little niche for myself in our family, and while I have two good sized cabinets to store my supplies in, they are a far cry from a whole room.  So I decided to search the web for some in expensive scrappy storage ideas.  I hit up Pinterest first - because I love it - and I really didn't have to go any farther than that, it was loaded with great ideas!

Then I thought that maybe I am not the only one in need of scrappy storage, so I decided to share some of my favourite here with you.  Please note all images are from Pinterest.

Journal writing pens and small tools can be stored in recycled baby wipe containers or in dollar store buckets on a thrift store lazy Susan.

 Wooden stamps look great in a tiered basket and clear stamps are easy to keep organized in a binder with trading card inserts.

Papers can be stored easily in large zip top bags on pant hangers or in
12 x 12 bins in a sweater organizer.

A re-purposed or thrift store wine rack is just perfect for Copics or other colouring mediums.
 Ribbon spools can be slotted onto hangers intended for several pairs of pants and loose ribbon looks pretty in clear glass jars sorted by colour.

 Small embellishments can be hung from a thrift store mug rack in little zip top bags or sorted into re-purposed spice jars.

 Peg board makes for great storage of embellishment packages if you  are a visual scrapper.

 Who doesn't love Ikea... and these racks are fairly inexpensive and can hold  a plethora of mixed media items.

Quite possible one of my favs, over the door shoe bags with clear pouches to store your punches. 
 Add Velcro strips into a plastic bin to keep Stickles in order.

 More ideas for small embellies include a hardware storage system with clear front drawers, or trading card sleeves for flat items.

Do you have any storage tips you would like to share with us?  Leave us a comment and give us your best tips!

Thanks for visiting!
Your friends at ScrapMuch?